demolition of administrative area 2006-2008
Demolition of former Officers club and farm house started in spring 2006.
In 2008 the last remained administrative building was demolished as well.
Special thanks to Karl Mueller, who provided most of these pictures.
cleared grove on of former administration area and remains of demolished bunkers
Demolition of former Officers club (no. 40) in early 2006 has started.
entrance at Brauenkamper St. in April 2006
demolition works of former Officers club have begun
parts of the building are already demolished
parts of the building are already demolished
Half of the building is already torn down. All windows and doors have been removed before.
the imperial eagle is still there
April 13th 2006, 11:20 AM: The imperial eagle shortly before its fall
April 13th 2006, 11:30 AM: The imperial eagle is falling
former Officers club is only a pile of rubble
Caspari memorial stone in front of rubble of former Officers club
former farm house in 2005
the roof of former farm house gets uncovered before demolition starts
rear view of uncovered roof
demolition of building no. 38
demolition of building no. 38
demolition of building no. 38
demolition of building no. 38
demolition of building no. 38
fragments of wall of former farm house, in the background building 39
Officer's club and farm house are demolished
main entrance of building 39 in 2006
demolition of building 39 has started, the rear wall of the building is already missing
detail view of relief above main entrance
demolition of building 39
partly collapsed roof of building 39
the southern part of the building is already torn down
building 39, seen from Brauenkamper St.
south side of building 39
parts of the building are still existing
demolition of building no. 39
demolition of building no. 39
demolition of building no. 39
demolition of building no. 39
demolition of building no. 39
demolition of building no. 39
reconstruction works of former clothing store have started
this building becomes a nursing home
last updated: 06/04/2011